How To Make Money With Shopify For Beginners 2022 (Step by Step)

How To Make Money With Shopify For Beginners 2022 (Step by Step)

Not Just Visitors, Get Conversions! 5 Ways To Reap Conversions

This article speaks of essential hacks of getting conversions in eCommerce. Businesses should not be heaving a sigh of relief just after receiving a great number of visitors. They should affirm about the website’s capability to convert maximum visitors into actual buyers.

How to Enhance Your Magento Store Product Delivery Process

Customers are always anxious to know when they will get their product delivery. And they are tired of anticipations. If same day product delivery is still a far-fetched dream, you can at least remove anticipations- with the help of Delivery date scheduler. And let your customers get their orders on the day you promised.

Best Openings for Your Closing & Presentation Calls

If you close sales or do sales presentations over the phone, then you might be wondering what the best way to open the closing call is. Inside sales, as you may know, offers lots of advantages, one of them being that you can use a sales script that is proven and effective. Obviously, you want to memorize and internalize the script, so you don’t sound like a robot, but once you do, you’ll be able to deliver a consistent sales presentation, or closing call, over and over again. And this brings us to today’s sales blog: what is the best-practice opening for your sales presentation or closing call? To answer this, let first look at what not to do:

Copywriting Tips – Lead With Results

Results are the cornerstone of a successful business. When you get past the aplomb of “running” a company – the simple reality is that people will only want to PAY you if you have “results” they are interested in either replicating, or using for their own development. As such, when you consider trying to “sell” your products, services or offer – you have to appreciate the best “way” to do it. This article explores one of the surest ways to achieve this…

Cold Calling – 3 Mistakes You Need to Avoid Now

With all the technology out there, some people like to say that cold calling and prospecting are dead. But just ask account managers and inside sales managers if they still have to prospect and cold call to develop leads and they’ll tell you absolutely! So, what gives? The truth is this: while technology has changed the way companies and sales reps source leads and gives them a tremendous amount of intel they can use to make cold calling a bit warmer, in the end, you still have to pick up the phone. Even though technology can make calls for you, eliminating the need to dial in some cases, prospecting for new clients is still a crucial component to selling. Whether you do it after using a tech solution to cull through social media and deliver the best prospects to call, or if you comb through social media yourself, eventually, you have to speak with someone you don’t know. And in that sense, it’s still a cold call.

How to Increase Trust and Influence Sales Outcomes

To influence today’s knowledgeable buyers, salespeople must use both parts of their brain and be agile. They must also get the buyer through the steps of the sales faster and more efficiently. How do you reach the right area of the brain with the right message at the right time? This article explains how it is not one right action but the right mix of actions.

A Proven Approach to Handle the “I’m Not Interested” Objection

There has been a lot of talk recently about “Objections.” What they are, how to prevent them, how to deal with them. That’s great, but you may be asking yourself: What do I actually say or do to overcome or get around them? For those of you who have been reading my blog for years know, I’m all about giving you and your team proven, word-for-word scripts and talk tracks so you can successfully deal with the common objections and resistance statements you get, day in and day out.

Hungry? It Might Be Twenty More Years

The customer leaves the supermarket with bags of groceries filled. It would be ridiculous for the grocer to scratch that customer off the list of prospects and stop marketing to them. That customer will need more food soon and the sales cycle starts over again.

Robots Don’t Win Oscars

I recently published an article that stating that “marketing scripts” can be written to answer customer questions in an informative, concise, and friendly manner. I got a number of responses from people telling me they hated the idea of using “scripts” to deliver information.

Make Them Lick Their Lips and Buy More

Dessert is a high-profit “add-on” sale. Properly presented and described, many restaurants can increase their average sale by 5% to 15%. Ok, your company doesn’t sell tempting double fudge chocolate cake to tempt your customers, but my challenge to you this week is to consider what “add-on offering” you can temptingly present to entice your customers to crave it and thereby increase your sales and profits.

You Can’t Sell Snow Shovels in May

No matter what you sell, there are busy and slow seasons. Knowing the sales cycles of your products and services translates into promoting at the most opportune times – when your marketplace needs (or wants) it.

How To Work Anywhere In The World

Lately, I’ve received quite a few emails and phone calls from people asking me if I can help them find a phone sales job they can work anywhere in the world. I spoke with a woman last week who, apparently, has a lot of experience in inside sales, is used to working on a short-term contract basis, and wanted to know if I had any contacts with companies who could use her services. She wants to work from Paris.

How To Write Sales Copy That Sells

Sales copy is the marketing equivalent of jet fuel – the ability to overcome obstacles and encourage people to “buy into” a new way of looking at things. If you’re truly able to perceive exactly what the best process is for writing lucid sales copy that sells, you’ll be able to share some of the most amazing products in the world with others.

Co-Op Funds Assist Hardware Retailers With Increased Sales in 2017

Co-op funding is an under-utilized marketing tool for many retailers. In fact, $50 Billion dollars go unused every year. For some businesses, the problem is unawareness of their funding; others simply don’t have the time or resources to leverage the opportunity.

Benefits Of Barcode Scanners in the Management System

With the emergence of barcodes, many organizations came to see the benefits that barcode scanner have brought about in the market. Barcode scanners were first used in retail shops but soon other sectors began to see its advantages and soon started spreading to many sectors of the market like warehouse management.

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